Sound and music have always had the capacity to create connections – between ideas, places, and people as well as within us. The interacting global crises we face are fundamentally rooted in the challenge of connecting across diverse perspectives and ideas, often set in opposition. It is more important than ever to explore the potential role that art can play in opening up imagination around possible just and sustainable futures and bringing these into being.
sustain.fm x CTM Vorspiel presents a full evening of live electronic performances and three days of hands-on workshops. Everything from how to perform live, how to take care of your mental health as an artist, to virtual modular synths, to building and soldering your own synths and modules.
19.01 CONCERT 18.00 - 22.00
drusnoise, Erbse & Miriam Taschler | Krach der Roboter & Aquarium
Freya Algiz | JacqNoise | Verónica Mota
20.01 AFTERNOON WORKSHOPS - 13.00-18.00
€10 per workshop, €15 day pass
13h Sustainable live performance - drusnoise
Sustainability questions are in the middle of every part of the live electronic scene. Or at least they could be. How do artists and audiences get to gigs? How do clubs and venues think about electricity and water usage? About waste and recycling? What kind of materials go into synthesizers, drum machines, mixers, and all the gear that live performers use? Can sustainability themes be embedded into the music? At the same time, politics and justice – the social dimensions of sustainability - have always been a part of dance music. This brings up another set of questions like who is on the lineup? Whose music gets played? Who gets paid and how much? Who is in the audience? Where can music be played? And who gets to make those decisions?
This workshop dives into these topics through the concepts and practical tools you need to build and perform a killer - and sustainable - live set. Learn how to get the most from your gear in a live setting. Dive into storytelling in performance. Integrate the sounds and rhythms of nature, connect with plants, and make a green tech rider. Get tips on set design and structure, mixing and loudness for live sets, gear selection and FX, audio and MIDI routing, soundcheck tips, adding video, and more. For techno, ambient, experimental, and everything in between.
16h Thrive, not Survive: Mental Healthcare for Creatives - Paula Hakkaja
By working on ourselves, our mental health and creativity, we are making the necessary shifts within ourselves to create societies that are multidimensionally sustainable. This workshop will be discovering specific self-empowered actions, which we can incorporate into our daily lives as artists, to reprogramme our subconscious mind to help us overcome continuous obstacles and challenges we face as creatives.
The approach of this workshop tackles the pandemic of mental illnesses in the creative industry as “Geisteskrankheiten” - in other words the illnesses of the spirit. We will be discovering the theory and practice of tools for shifting perspectives; building confidence; manifesting desires; and programming the subconscious mind in order to maintain the health and wellbeing of our creative spirit and, through this, our ‘mental health’.
21.01 AFTERNOON WORKSHOPS 13.00-21.00
€10 per workshop; €25 day pass
Module/kit cost additional
13h Introduction to Sound Synthesis and VCV Rack - Paula Hakkaja
VCV rack workshop introducing types of sound-synthesis to beginners who want to make music and learn modular synths for free.
This event aims to introduce the basics of electronic music production and analogue synthesizers to those who have an interest in sound, but don’t necessarily have any previous knowledge or experience in the field of music production.
The workshop will take place in three parts:
PART I: Discover topics around the physics and philosophy of sound.
What is sound? How do we hear sound? What’s the difference between sound and music? Can we see sound? Discussion topic: The relevance of sound as an important factor during the current global discourse.
PART II: Get familiar with different types of waveforms and learn about various methods of sound synthesis (FM synthesis, additive synthesis and subtractive synthesis)
PART III: Get a closer look at the builds and components of analogue synthesisers. Learn about modular synthesisers and build our own synth using a free open source “VCV Rack” software, which opens the door for experimentation to everyone who is interested in modular synthesisers.
15h Building Error Instruments kits - JacqNoise
This workshop is a gathering for sound nerds that are new to the soldering and DIY scene and the ones who know their way around. We are soldering the DIY kits that are designed by Error instruments. In the workshops we focus on how to start a soldering project, how to solder and overstep the errors and finalise with testing. After the soldering session, we can hook up the solder kits in one set up to hear how it is to compose with these noisemakers.
In the soldering workshop we are soldering one of the Error Instruments kits. The following are available for this workshop Blind Noise, Noise Lab, Flower Drone, and Cloudbusting. See the link below for the sound demo.
Blind Noise €80
Noise Lab €80
Flower Drone €65
Cloudbusting €95
If you have a specific module in mind, pre registration is recommended.
18h Building a "Little synth" and more - Ginkosynthese
The LITTLE SYNTH is an amazing entry level DIY kit. It is compatibe with eurorack or external cv sequencer due to it's cv/gate inputs... And fits in your pocket. The concept of the Little synth was easy: how to build a small synthesizer with the most fun to use while still being a DIY kit that can be build by anyone within a few hours.
The first DIY Little synths became alive during the famous Lowlands festival and since than these little monsters have been build on many soldering sessions.
Little synth: €65,-
The Little synth was the inspiration for the Ginkosynthese SEEDS module which also can be build for the Eurorack heads among us. Seeds: €65,-
While the SEEDS was born out of the Little Synth this all started with the GRAINS, a module that saw light for the first time already in 2015 and became one of the most spread out DIY kits of Ginkosynthese. Now you still have the chance to build one! Grains: €60,-
Do you want to sequence things in your rack? The EZSQ is a small DIY kit based on the classic baby10 sequencer. Simple but worth building as this is one of the core utilities of any modular rack! EZSQ: €70,-
Do you have the courage to sing while you perform on your eurorack setup? In only 2HP this tiny module give you a little mic in your rack. MIC: €50,-
18h Building passive Eurorack modules - Krach der Roboter
*** NOTE: Krach der Roboter workshop now Sunday 21.01 at 18h ***
Krach der Roboter offers four full kits of passive Eurorack modules. Aided by Testbild, Krach designed a few partly uncommon tools that don't only help reducing the usage of electricity (since they are passive).
"HP": A simple stereo headphone output with attenuator. (10 Euro, full kit)
"4or": A gate combiner that only passes positive voltage. (15 Euro, full kit)
Combines triggers, gates, and positive sides of LFO's, each channel has a
manual on/off switch. There is a SUM output, as well as Group 1,2 and 3,4.
"X-Switch": A dual attenuator with bypass function, as well as pushbuttons
for killing the audio signal (cut) or passing it through (connect). The output
channels can be interchanged with a switch, which allows playing with CV
pattern combinations or sending audio into effects paths. (20 Euro, full kit)
"Vac CV": A module that enables you to equip modules (or other devices) which
do not have CV-inputs with a kind of pseudo-CV. If the device has a potentiometer
or a trimmer, you can connect that with two cables and will get a (one sided, up or
down) movement. Works with Eurorack modules, video mixers, guitar pedals,...
You can bring a device you want to pimp to the workshop and we attach it together.
CV Vac has four channels, that transfer a gate, LFO or envelope signal into such
control movements. Depending on whether you use a Vactrol or Optocoupler,
response shape and direction of the movement will vary. (25 Euro, full kit)
I will bring a few "dummy" faceplates for passive Fader/Slider Modules and some
slider potentiometers of various ranges and characteristics. With a few cables
and resistors they can be turned into stereo or mono volume faders or crossfaders
with 2 inputs being distributed to 1 output (or the other way around) (10 Euro)
All builds are easy and suitable for beginners. A few soldering irons and tools will be provided, but if you own some, please bring them.
An amazing collection of artists giving workshops and performing live